Are you struggling with Multiple Chronic Health Conditions?

Learn about Nutrition Response Testing, what it is, and how it can help you address the root cause of your health issues. This non-invasive system of analyzing the body to determine the underlying causes of illness and non-optimum health. When these are corrected through safe, natural, nutritional means, the body can repair itself to attain and maintain more optimum health.

When undergoing Nutrition Response Testing® you will be tested for these five common stressors:

1. Scars

2. Food sensitivities

3. Immune challenges

4. Chemical challenges

5. Metal challenges

What is Nutrition Response Testing?

Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body in order to determine the underlying causes of ill health. When these are corrected through safe, natural, nutritional means, the body can repair itself in order to attain and maintain more optimum health.

The actual procedure is simple and direct, with the body providing all of the information and feedback needed. We use the extraordinary properties of the human cells and tissues to bring about healing and health changes. As Nature intended

The body responds to the procedure reliably and consistently. This feedback is so precise that it opens the door to a safe and lasting recovery, even in cases where everything else has failed

What are we testing for?

  • Through analysis, we test the body’s neurological reflexes. These reflexes are the body’s way of telling us what and how your nervous system is doing, since it is the nervous system’s responsibility to regulate the body’s function for each and every organ. The testing includes organs, glands, joints and muscles.

    These reflexes are tested on the surface of the body and then the findings are analyzed. After you receive your analysis, you will get a specifically designed nutrition program, based off the information your body provides.


How do I know which supplements are right for me?

Most programs include dietary suggestions (as well as whole food supplements) to aid your body in healing itself. Once we find the underlying reason your body is creating symptoms, we can isolate and verify the precise whole food supplements (and quantities) your body needs to resolve its problems. Our goal is to have you take as few supplements as possible, with your body being fully addressed and restored at the same time.

How long will it take for me to feel better?

Although every case is different, we often hear enthusiastic reports from patients in as little as 4-6 weeks (some longer, some sooner). The fastest recoveries are often from those who have most closely adhered to their recommended nutritional program.

Are you a Nutrition Response Testing candidate? Don't fret we've got you covered, there is hope that you will receive the help you need to restore your health.

Through an analysis of your system, we help you to understand the accurate nutrients you need to supplement your diet, to bring about balance and better health.

We make these highly intensive therapeutic formulations possible to you in tablets, capsules, or powdered form to “supplement” your current diet. That’s why they are called “food supplements.” Depending on your situation, we might also ask that you make some specific changes in your diet & eating habits, and your routines, to bring about the best possible results.

If you want to improve your health, it is important to address the root cause of your chronic health conditions with Nutrition Response Testing®.


Ready to book?

See how Nutrition Response Testing can help you, by booking your free 15-minute brief consultation.